Never miss a smoke signal by aligning KPIs to business strategy.
Spot trends early on, with board-ready reports.
Get a real-time overview of metrics that matter
Seamlessly manage KPIs that impact OKR achievement
No more clumsy PowerPoints and spreadsheets.
Pick from our library or use our AI AssistBot*
Break down your Work Plan into smaller steps
Communicate and collaborate on specific actions
Set automated alerts on actions and deadlines
No set-up time, no design, no coding required.
Lets your teams view all that drives the business forward
Mange confidential
data with ease
Let the data speak for itself.
Measure employee performance on key metrics linked to a role
Communicate and collaborate on specific actions
Check out our resource guide on OKRs vs KPIs!
Consider this your encyclopedia on OKRs and KPIs. Delve into the depth of both frameworks and learn the best practices for making them work for your business.
Understand the intricate nuances of how KPIs and OKRs are different but critical to business performance.
Your business metrics deserve more than a spreadsheet. Here's a list of top OKRs with KPIs software to evaluate for 2023.
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